What is an Eden Alternative Spain Certified Organization?

An Eden Alternative Spain Certified Organization is an organization choosing to commit to the Principles and Practices of the Eden Alternative and to work toward the integration of those Principles and Practices within their organization.  Certified organizations have replaced the Eden Registry established years ago and used in other countries.  Organizations choose from a variety of “Best Practices for Person-Directed Care” designed to support the organization as it develops its unique pathway toward certification.  Along with these Tracks and Practices, we have assessments, indicators, and other resources organizations may use.  Contact us to learn more about the process. 

NOTE:  The first step is for a team of 3-5 colleagues from your organization to complete the 6-week Eden Associate Certification (17 online hours).  This will provide the team with a deep understanding of the 10 Eden Principles and how to put them into practice.  Then, the organization is prepared to determine if they want to move forward with implementing the approach to person-directed care, becoming an Eden Certified Organization.  Depending on the size of the organization, a few key employees may be certified to become Eden Educators for your organization.  Then, your Eden Educators can continue to certify current staff as Eden Associates, including new staff entering the organization.   

Eden Certified Organizations have made a public commitment to strive for the principles and practices of the Eden Alternative. It is not part of the regulatory system or any other quality mark.

Please understand that the Eden Alternative Spain has no operational control over any organization. Our role is primarily to provide education and support, not monitoring.

We feel it is important, however, to honor those who make a commitment to strive for a community that supports the growth of all who live and work there. Registration as an Eden Certified Organization is for a two-year period, after which the registration process, including a visit to the home, is repeated.  Once certified, the organization should continue utilizing the Tracks and Practices to advance their transformation. 

Adopting and fully embedding the Eden philosophy as the foundation for care and the basis on which to build other good practices is proving to be successful in gaining high ratings.

Why Do We Need Eden Certified Organizations?

It is a way of recognizing those who undertake the hard work of transforming their institutions into warm and loving places to live and work. We want others to know about these homes that are creating a place where quality of life is valued and where people want to work.

Similarly, organizations and homes that have made the investment and commitment to the Eden Alternative want to be able to tell the world and differentiate themselves from others who have not made a similar commitment to changing the culture in their homes.

What is the Value of Becoming an Eden Certified Organization?

First and foremost, becoming an Eden Certified Organization allows a home to use the Eden Alternative SPAIN name and logo in their promotional materials. Eden Alternative is becoming a highly recognizable care philosophy. Google the term Eden Alternative and you will get millions of hits. It also receives thousands of references in the media each year. Worldwide, the Eden Alternative is established in most States of the USA, Canada, UK and Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, South Africa, and now SPAIN.

NOTE: The Eden Alternative logo, name, and the Ten Principles cannot be used in your written/published promotional materials and website. This privilege is reserved for Eden SPAIN Certified Organizations only.